For selected articles, PDF is available below solely on the same basis that the researcher would provide a single copy of a published article to an individual. Note that copyright of the articles rests with a variety of different parties and it is up to you to ensure that your use of a paper does not infringe copyright law. For PDF please see also "Publications-Summary". Some papers may appear in more than one areas here.
A. Experimental & analytical micro-mechanics (grain-scale mechanics, rock/fault mechanics at micro-scale, impact mechanics)
50. Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K. (2021). "Application of Nanoindentation in the Characterization of a Porous Material with a Clastic Texture",
Materials, 14(16), 4579,
49. Luo L., Ren J., Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K. (2021). "A note on the influence of smectite coating on the coefficient of restitution of natural
sand particles impacting granitic blocks", Coatings [Accepted for Publication].
48. Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K. (2021). "Characterization of two types of shale rocks from Guizhou China through micro-indentation,
statistical and machine-learning tools", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, [Ahead of Print],
47. He H., Chen W., Yin, Z.Y., Senetakis* K., Yin, J.H. (2021). "A micromechanical-based study on the tribological and creep-relaxation
behavior of sand-FRP composite interfaces", Composite Structures, [Ahead of Print],
46. Li H., Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K. (2021). "Multi-scale study of the small-strain damping ratio of fiber-sand", Polymers, [Accepted for Publication].
45. Tian Y., Kasyap SS., Senetakis* K. (2021). "Influence of loading history and soil type on the normal contact behavior of natural sand grain-elastomer
composite interfaces", Polymers, 13, 1830.
44. Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K. (2021). "A grain-scale study of Mojave Mars simulant (MMS-1)", Sensors, 21, 4730.
43. Li S., Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K. (2021). "A study on the failure behavior of sand grain contacts with Hertz modeling, image processing,
and statistical analysis", Sensors, 21, 4611.
42. Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K., Coop M.R., Zhao J. (2020). "Micromechanical behaviour in shearing of reproduced flat LBS grains with
strong and weak artificial bonds", Acta Geotechnica, 16(5), 1355-1376,
41. Sandeep C.S., Li S., Senetakis* K., (2021). "Scale and surface morphology effects on the micromechanical contact behavior of granular materials", Tribology International, Published online:
40. Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K., Zhao J., (2021). "Cyclic normal load–displacement behaviour of clay-coated sand grain contacts", Geotechnique,
71(3), 216–225,
39. Kasyap S.S., Li S., Senetakis* K. (2021). "Influence of natural coating type on the frictional and abrasion behaviour of siliciclastic-coated
sedimentary sand grains", Engineering Geology, 281, 105983
38. Kasyap S.S. and Senetakis* K. (2021). "Micromechanical-based experimental and analytical studies on rate effects and stick-slip instability
of smooth quartz surfaces in the presence of plastic and non-plastic gouges", International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics , 45(6), 776-793.
37. Marzulli V., Sandeep C.S, Senetakis K., Cafaro F., Pöschel T. (2021) “Scale and water effects on the friction angles of two granular soils with different roughness”, Powder Technology, 377, 813-826,
36. Kasyap S.S., Li S., Senetakis* K. (2021). "Investigation of the mechanical properties and the influence of micro-structural characteristics of aggregates using micro-indentation and Weibull analysis", Construction and Building Materials [Ahead of Print], 271, 121509.
35. Ren J., Li S., He H., Senetakis* K. (2021). "The tribological behavior of iron tailing sand grain contacts in dry, water and biopolymer
immersed states", Granular Matter, 23(1), 12,
34. Sandeep C.S., Senetakis* K., Cheung D.K.H., Choi C.E., Wang Y., Coop M.R., Ng C.W.W. (2021). "Experimental study on the
coefficient of restitution of grain against block interfaces for natural and engineered materials", Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 58(1), 35–48.
33. Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K., Coop M.R., Zhao J. (2020). "Micromechanical behaviour in shearing of reproduced flat LBS grains with
strong and weak artificial bonds", Acta Geotechnica [Published Online],
32. He H., Senetakis* K., (2020). "A micromechanical study of shale rock-proppant composite interface", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 184, 106542, Published online:
31. He H., Luo L., Senetakis* K., (2020). "Effect of normal load and shearing velocity on the interface friction of organic shale – proppant simulant", Tribology International, Published online: 144,106119.
30. Sandeep C.S., Luo L., Senetakis* K., (2020). "Effect of grain size and surface roughness on the normal coefficient of restitution of single grains",
Materials, 13(4),814; doi:
29. Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K., (2020). "An experimental investigation on the tribological behaviour of nominally flat quartz grains with gouge material in dry, partial saturated and submersed conditions", Pure and Applied Geophysics, 177(7), 3283–3300.
28. Sandeep C.S., Senetakis* K., (2020). "Micromechanical experiments using a new inter-granule loading apparatus for gravel-to-ballast
sized materials", Friction, 8(1), 70-82.
27. Sandeep C.S, Marzulli V., Cafaro F., Senetakis* K., Pöschel T. “Micromechanical Behavior of DNA-1A Lunar Regolith Simulant in Comparison
to Ottawa Sand”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(8), 8077-8100,
26. Sandeep C.S., Senetakis* K., Cheung D.K.H., Choi C.E., Wang Y., Coop M.R., Ng C.W.W. (2019). "Experimental study on the
coefficient of restitution of grain against block interfaces for natural and engineered materials", Canadian Geotechnical Journal, [Ahead of Print].
25. Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K. (2019) "Interface load - displacement behaviour of sand grains coated with clayey powder: Experimental
and analytical studies", Soils and Foundations, 59(6), 1695-1710.
24. He H., Senetakis* K. (2019). "An experimental study on the micromechanical behavior of pumice", Acta Geotechnica, 14(6), 1883-1904.
23. Kasyap S.S., Senetakis K.* (2019). "Experimental investigation of the coupled influence of rate of loading and contact time on the frictional behavior of quartz grain interfaces under varying normal load", International Journal of Geomechanics ASCE, [Accepted for publication, March 2019].
[SCI/SCOPUS, IF=2.332]
22. He H., Sandeep C.S., Senetakis K.* (2019). "The interface behavior of recycled concrete aggregate: A micromechanical grain-scale experimental study", Construction and Building Materials, 210, 627-638.
21. Liu D., Sandeep C.S., Senetakis K., Nardelli V., Lourenco S.D.N. (2019). "Micromechanical behaviour of a polymer-coated sand",
Powder Technology, 347, 76-84.
20. He H., Senetakis* K. and Coop M.R. (2019). "An investigation of the effect of shearing velocity on the inter-particle behavior of granular and composite materials with a new micromechanical dynamic testing apparatus", Tribology International, 134, 252-263,
19. Sandeep C.S.,Senetakis* K. (2019). "An experimental investigation of the microslip displacement of geological materials",
Computers and Geotechnics, 107, 55-67. [PDF]
18. Li W., Kwok C.Y., C.S. Sandeep C.S., Senetakis K., (2019). "Sand type effect on the behaviour of sand-granulated rubber mixtures: Integrated study from micro- to macro-scales", Powder Technology, 342, 907-916.
17. Wang W., Coop M.R., Senetakis* K., (2019). "The development of a micro-mechanical apparatus applying combined normal-shear-bending forces to natural sand grains with artificial bonds", Geotechnical Testing Journal, 42(4), 1090-1099.
16. Sandeep C.S., He H., Senetakis* K. (2018). "An experimental micromechanical study of sand grain contacts behavior from different geological environments", Engineering Geology, 246, 176-186.
15. Sandeep C.S., Senetakis* K., (2018). "Influence of morphology on the micro-mechanical behavior of soil grain contacts",
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-energy and Geo-Resources (accepted for publication - August 2018).
14. Sandeep C.S., Senetakis* K., (2018). "The tribological behavior of two potential-landslide saprolitic rocks", Pure and Applied Geophysics,
(accepted for publication - June 2018),
13. Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K., (2018). "A micromechanical experimental study of kaolinite-coated sand grains", Tribology International,
126, 206-217.
12. Sandeep C.S., Todisco M.C., Nardelli V., Senetakis* K., Coop M.R., Lourenco S.D.N (2018). "A micromechanical experimental study
of highly/completely decomposed tuff granules", Acta Geotechnica, 13(6), 1355-1367.
11. Sandeep C.S., Senetakis* K., (2018). "Effect of Young’s Modulus and Surface Roughness on the Inter-Particle Friction of Granular Materials",
Materials, 11, 217; doi:10.3390/ma11020217.
10. Sandeep C.S., Senetakis* K., (2018). "Grain-Scale Mechanics of Quartz Sand under Normal and Tangential Loading", Tribology International,
117, 261-271.
9. Sandeep C.S., Todisco M.C. Senetakis* K., (2017). "Tangential contact behaviour of a weathered volcanic landslide material from Hong Kong",
Soils and Foundations, 57, 1097-1103.
8. Todisco M.C., Wang W., Coop M.R., Senetakis K., (2017). “Multiple contact compression tests on sand particles”, Soils and Foundations,
57(1), 126-140.
7. Senetakis* K., Sandeep C.S., Todisco M.C. (2017). Dynamic inter-particle friction of crushed limestone surfaces, Tribology International, 111, 1-8.
6. Sandeep C.S. and Senetakis* K. (2017). Exploring the micromechanical sliding behavior of typical quartz grains and completely decomposed volcanic granules subjected to repeating shearing, Energies, 10, 370; doi:10.3390/en10030370.
5. Senetakis* K. and Sandeep C.S. (2017). "Experimental study of sand grains behavior at their contacts with force- and
displacement-controlled sliding tests", Underground Space, 2, 38-44.
4. Senetakis* K., Coop M.R., (2015). “Micro-mechanical experimental investigation of grain-to-grain sliding stiffness of quartz minerals”,
Experimental Mechanics, 55(6), pp.1187-1190 DOI 10.1007/s11340-015-0006-4.
3. Senetakis* K., Coop M.R., (2014). “The development of a new micro-mechanical inter-particle loading apparatus”, Geotechnical Testing
Journal, 37(6), pp.1028-1039, doi:10.1520/GTJ20120187, ISSN 0149-6115. [PDF]
2. Senetakis* K., Coop M. and Todisco M.C., (2013). “The inter-particle coefficient of friction at the contacts of Leighton Buzzard sand
quartz minerals”, Soils and Foundations, 53(5), pp.746-755. [PDF]
1. Senetakis* K., Coop M. and Todisco M.C., (2013). “Tangential load-deflection behaviour at the contacts of soil particles”,
Geotechnique Letters, 3 (April-June), pp.59-66, [PDF]
B. Petroleum geomechanics at micro-scale (studies on proppant-rock interaction, shale characterization)
3. Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K. (2021). "Characterization of two types of shale rocks from Guizhou China through micro-indentation,
statistical and machine-learning tools", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, [Ahead of Print],
2. He H., Senetakis* K., (2020). "A micromechanical study of shale rock-proppant composite interface", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 184, 106542, Published online:
1. He H., Luo L., Senetakis* K., (2020). "Effect of normal load and shearing velocity on the interface friction of organic shale – proppant simulant", Tribology International, Published online: 144,106119.
C. Indentation - Surface & microstructure characterization
3. Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K. (2021). "Application of Nanoindentation in the Characterization of a Porous Material with a Clastic Texture",
Materials, 14(16), 4579,
2. Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K. (2021). "Characterization of two types of shale rocks from Guizhou China through micro-indentation,
statistical and machine-learning tools", Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, [Ahead of Print],
1. Kasyap S.S., Li S., Senetakis* K. (2021). "Investigation of the mechanical properties and the influence of micro-structural characteristics of aggregates using micro-indentation and Weibull analysis", Construction and Building Materials [Ahead of Print], 271, 121509.
D. Coated grains (natural & polymer-based coatings) - Gouge simulation & stick-slip instability at small scale
9. Luo L., Ren J., Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K. (2021). "A note on the influence of smectite coating on the coefficient of restitution of natural
sand particles impacting granitic blocks", Coatings [Accepted for Publication].
8. Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K., Zhao J., (2021). "Cyclic normal load–displacement behaviour of clay-coated sand grain contacts", Geotechnique,
71(3), 216–225,
7. Kasyap S.S., Li S., Senetakis* K. (2021). "Influence of natural coating type on the frictional and abrasion behaviour of siliciclastic-coated
sedimentary sand grains", Engineering Geology, 281, 105983.
6. Kasyap S.S. and Senetakis* K. (2021). "Micromechanical-based experimental and analytical studies on rate effects and stick-slip instability
of smooth quartz surfaces in the presence of plastic and non-plastic gouges", International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
[Accepted for Publication].
5. Ren J., Li S., He H., Senetakis* K. (2021). "The tribological behavior of iron tailing sand grain contacts in dry, water and biopolymer
immersed states", Granular Matter, 23(1), 12,
4. Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K., (2020). "An experimental investigation on the tribological behaviour of nominally flat quartz grains with gouge material in dry, partial saturated and submersed conditions", Pure and Applied Geophysics, 177(7), 3283–3300.
3. Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K. (2019) "Interface load - displacement behaviour of sand grains coated with clayey powder: Experimental
and analytical studies", Soils and Foundations, 59(6), 1695-1710.
2. Liu D., Sandeep C.S., Senetakis K., Nardelli V., Lourenco S.D.N. (2019). "Micromechanical behaviour of a polymer-coated sand",
Powder Technology, 347, 76-84.
1. Kasyap S.S., Senetakis* K., (2018). "A micromechanical experimental study of kaolinite-coated sand grains", Tribology International,
126, 206-217.